If you are experiencing check out issues, we sincerely apologise for the inconvenience. It may be a problem with your system, or alternatively one of the below issues which are currently being fixed by our development team; with suggestions for current work arounds.
Auto suggest
The use of auto-suggest (auto-fill) feature by many internet browsers may mess up the check-out process. Conflicts with address selection in particular. Please consider whether this is causing any issues whilst checking out. Manually entering the details will avoid this.
Use incognito mode
Using "incognito mode" allows for a clean process as sometimes old cookies/cache of session data may be effecting the check out process. Incognito mode is also known as privacy mode.
Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Brave Browser
The easiest way to open an Incognito window is with the keyboard shortcut combination Ctrl-Shift-N (Windows) or Command-Shift-N (macOS).
Mozilla Firefox
From the keyboard, a private browsing session can be called up using the combination Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows) or Command-Shift-P (macOS).
Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported
Not supported by Microsoft, need to update. Microsoft Edge to replace this. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Brave (privacy orientated).
Contact customer care
If you're still having issues, please advise customer care:
- What is your enquiry about? -> Online Shopping
- Please select a reason for contact ->Payments and Billing
- Type of enquiry? -> Checkout Issues
Our support team will endeavour to help find a solution.