In the unlikely event that the item you received is incorrect, you must contact the store that fulfilled your order. Store details can be found on your order confirmation and despatch email. They will be able to assist you. If you cannot find the store details please contact us via our Contact Us Form and select the following fields
- What is the enquiry about?
- Online Shopping
- Please select a reason for contact
- My Order
- Type of Enquiry
- Wrong Item sent
Once the Contact Us Form is submitted, an acknowledgment email will be sent to the email address you've input in the form so please ensure that you input the correct email address. After receiving the acknowledgment email, please respond with a photo of the item you received. When a contact us form is submitted, a ticket will be automatically lodged to Online Support who will then coordinate with the store and courier that sent out your order.
Once the investigation is done, Online Support will reach out to you with a resolution. If we established that indeed, the item sent to you is incorrect, then we will need to organise the return of the item back to the store it was from so please ensure that the item is still unused and has its original packaging.